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Product: Oxydrol, - British Dragon
Active substance: Oxymetholone Packaging: 50mg x 100 tablets Volume: 100 tabs (total 5000 mg)
Price: $85.00 (€67.30)
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Pharmaceutical Name: Oxydrol 50mg
Chemical Name: OxymetholoneChem. Abstr. Name:
17beta-Hydroxy-2-hydroxymethylene-17alpha-methyl-5alpha-androstan-3-oneMolecular Formula: C21H32O3Molecular Weight: 332.5
Product Description:
The only oral anabolic-androgenic steroid indicated in the treatment of anemias caused by deficient red cell production. Androlic is contraindicated in: male patients with carcinoma of the prostate or breast; females with hypercalcemia with carcinoma of the breast; women who are or may become pregnant; patients with nephrosis or the nephrotic phase of nephritis; patients with hypersensitivity to the drug or with severe hepatic dysfunction.
Tablets are green square tablets, with "50" imprinted on one side and "BD" separated by a score line, they can be broken into 2 pieces, and are sealed in foil pouches of 100 tablets.
Oxydrol BD is an oral drug with a dosage of 50mg per tablet. It is the strongest oral on the market. It has both high androgenic and anabolic effects. Strength and weight gains are very significant. It is highly toxic to the liver. Oxydrol BD also aromatizes fairly easily. Oxymetholone has been reported to produce gynecomastia in users (not all probably around 50%). An anti-estrogen should be used to counteract the aromatization. Nolvadex is an suggested anti-estrogen. Many side effects are associated including acne, hair loss, abdominal pains, headaches, gynecomastia, hypertension, and heavy water retention. Loss of weight and strength usually occurs after the cycle. Oxydrol BD also shuts down natural testosterone production. It is regarded by the bodybuilding community as the most effective oral steroid in building strength and size. Oxydrol BD has many side effects however, which make it relatively dangerous to use when compared to other steroids. Average dose is from 50-100 mg a day to 200 mg a day. Oxydrol BD is used on bulking cycle with sustanon and deca-durabolin.